Thursday, May 18, 2006

Lelaki Komunis Terakhir

The Malaysia film scene has been "noisy" lately after being dull and quiet for sometimes. First, there is GUBRA that challenged the social taboo about inter racial marriage and now...The Last Communist

Lelaki Komunis Terakhir is a semi-musical road movie documentary tracing the towns in which Chin Peng (exiled leader of the banned Communist Party of Malaya) lived in from birth to national independence in 1957.
Although I may have not watched this film, the controversials arise from this film makes me curious about WHY IS LELAKI KOMUNIS TERAKHIR BANNED IN MALAYSIA?


藝術文化確實極端。 藝術常常和深奧難懂畫上等號,或者被Label為上流社會的專利品。 流行文化則完全被視為商品,毫無藝術性可言。 藝術與流行永遠被一條楚河漢界劃分開來。 其實大家有沒有想過,藝術可以流行起來,流行的也可以是藝術。

Wednesday, May 03, 2006