Sunday, July 30, 2006


Woven deftly into the sweetly simple love-at-first-sight romance between video pirate Ah Loong and schoolgirl Orked is a warmly sentimental portrait of family and society.
boasts a Babel tower's worth of languages - dialogue tumbles out in a naturalistic gush of English, Malay, Cantonese and Hokkien - and an affectionately naturalistic depiction of Malaysian society.
This utterly charming and unpretentious little gem is well worth catching.

Friday, July 28, 2006

現以出版? 現在可以出版?


如果"時尚新娘"只是想譁眾取寵而刻意用"現以出版"來取得廣告的的效益的話, 那麼她成功了。 因為她成功的吸引了我這個"諸事佬"。 不然實在不明白為何這本中文雜誌會用"現以出版"。 莫非這本雜誌內容不符合民風保守的馬來西亞, 剛剛才解禁(we were always reminded by SOMEONE that we should read this and not that as if our OTAK not funtioning well, sound familiar to you?), 現在可以出版?

凡夫如我也常用錯別字, 希望大家能夠謹慎點。

不過在這里要懇請"有心人"不要大作文章, 何以中文水平低落乃是某方的責任。