Monday, September 15, 2008

Vincent (Starry Starry Night)

The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh

Starry starry night, paint your palette blue and grey.
Look out on a summer's day with eyes that know the darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills, sketch the trees and the daffodils.
Catch the breeze and the winter chills, in colors on the snowy linen land.
Now I understand what you tried to say to me.
How you suffered for you sanity.
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen they did not know how, perhaps they'll listen now.
Starry starry night, flaming flowers that brightly blaze.
Swirling clouds in violet haze reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue.
Colours changing hue, morning fields of amber grain.
Weathered faces lined in pain are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.
For they could not love you, but still your love was true.
And when no hope was left in sight,on that starry starry night.
You took your life as lovers often do,
But I could have told you, Vincent,
This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.
Starry, starry night, portraits hung in empty halls.
Frameless heads on nameless walls with eyes that watch the world and can't forget.
Like the stranger that you've met, the ragged man in ragged clothes.
The silver thorn of bloody rose, lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.
Now I think I know what you tried to say to me.
How you suffered for you sanity.
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they're not listening still, Perhaps they never will......

我久久也会去唱K, 不, 应该说去听K。这话怎么说呢, 因为现在所流行的Pop Song我都不会唱。要嘛, 就听别人唱。要嘛, 就听原唱的版本。就像观看MV这样。前一阵子上K时点播了这首Vincent。由香港歌手Theresa CARPIO演唱, 港乐团伴奏的版本。当音乐一起, 我的思绪开始随着熟悉的旋律顺着时间的河慢慢的回到从前。。。 Starry starry night, paint your palette blue and grey. Look out on a summer's day with eyes that know the darkness in my soul。。。Vincent在1971年被Don Mclean唱到街知巷闻。当时年纪还小的我也喜欢这首歌, 就喜欢这种朴实音乐, 很那种unplugged的纯粹感觉。( 原来年纪小小的我就已经懒"HIGH"了 )。当Theresa唱到这句This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you。刹那间, 我深深感到歌词唱的是那么的熟悉, 仿佛就是在诉说某个人的故事。 但是这个Vincent是谁?? 这件事令我耿耿於怀。 之后有一次在网上我用Vincent google了一下。 结果我愣了。原来我一直喜欢的这首歌, Vincent诉说的就是Van Gogh的故事。 而Starry Night就Vincent Van Gogh临终前13个月的一幅作品。
当初因为一篇新闻报道, 知悉有一幅名为太阳花的名画拍卖。 得到媒体关注只因拍卖的价格破天荒的高。那个时候, 我认识了Van Gogh。
后来从一热爱美术的朋友国富那儿得知, Vincent Van Gogh流离颠簸的一生。他疯狂的热情, 越轨的思想, 在那个被视为禁忌的年代, 在不被了解的情况下, 时不予我, 他选择了自我结束生命。
今时今日Vincent Van Gogh的作品被well-regard as one of the greatest and most famous artists, ever。。。。。。
如果Vincent Van Gogh生在今天, 不晓得又会有怎么样的际遇?
生不逢时的心情, 谁又能够体谅?

P/S, 梵古的另一作品
Cafe Terrace at Night也是我喜爱的。

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